A Winter Morning Paragraph for HSC and SSC

We present here a sample of A Winter Morning Paragraph for HSC and SSC students. We also included the key topics, so that you can easily write the paragraph on your own with creativity.

A Winter Morning
Picture of A Winter Morning

Key Topics:

  • Definition of a winter morning
  • Common features of a winter morning
  • Special foods and attractions
  • Sufferings of the poor
  • Outline of the above topic.

A Winter Morning Paragraph for Class 12 & Class 10

A winter morning is the usual morning of the winter season. Generally, a winter morning is cold, misty and everything outside is covered with dense fog. Sometimes the fog is so dense all around that the sunray can’t pass through it and people can hardly see anything. At night, dewdrops fall on the leaves and grass but when the sun rays fall on them, the dewdrops shine like pearls. It is so cold in the morning in the winter season that the domestic animals don’t come out. Even the chirping of the birds can’t be heard. The children and elderly people get up late from sleep. On a winter morning, people enjoy many delicious food and sweetmeats like pithas, cakes, date juice, pies, and many more. Though a winter morning is enjoyable for the rich and middle-class people, it brings misery for the poor and village people. The poor people don’t have enough warm clothes, so they shiver in the cold wind. Village people bask in the sun and when the sun rises late, they gather straw to make fire and warm themselves. Sometimes the day labourers don’t get work in cold weather and suffer for food. Homeless people sleep at the railway station and shiver in the lash of unbearable cold wind. However, we should help the poor people by giving them warm clothes and food. The government should also help them so that they can have shelter to live in. However, winter morning is delightful for the rich but miserable for the poor.

This paragraph is applicable for students of Class 9, 10, 11 and 12. The students of JSC and other classes can also practise it.

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